Businesses typically, and understandably, seek stability, process and predictability. But 2020 has proven to even the powerhouses across the business world that agility, adaptability and responsiveness are more important—not only to endure the challenges, but to prosper in a rapidly changing economy. Organizations have already started abandoning long-cycle strategic management processes.
Despite its importance, there has been limited theory development in supply chain agility at the firm level. The antecedents of firm supply chain agility are understood even less as they have been primarily addressed at an operational level. Gligor and Holcomb emphasized that more research is needed to identify the firm supply chain agility strategic level antecedents. Gligor et al. specifically called for future research to investigate the role of market orientation and supply chain orientation in achieving supply chain agility. We address this call and expand on the work of Braunscheidel and Suresh who explored the role of different managerial orientations in achieving supply chain agility. The current research hypothesizes that market orientation has a direct impact on firm supply chain agility.
In addition, an increasingly demanding customer base, and a dynamically evolving digital environment have accelerated industry efforts to adapt and thrive. Growth and innovation are driving the Medical Device industry into becoming an increasingly global and competitive marketplace. Digitalization in manufacturing, new relationships through outsourcing, mergers, acquisitions, expanded geographic markets, and increased regulatory scrutiny add complexity to the way forward. But as you become more adaptable, you’ll start to look for and find solutions more easily. You might find situations that used to stress you out are now exciting or fun to work on.
In contrast, start-ups tend to come equipped with the advantage of very versatile size, which often fuels a relentless innovation drive and a “nothing-to-lose” attitude. That said, the majority of start-ups cannot adapt their initial idea as needed or scale fast and savvy enough to establish a long-term standing in the market. Moreover, once a start-up has become established, it faces the same issues as a traditional company. Given the drastically changing business landscape, the question of what makes a company more adaptable has been a focal point for researchers. Already in 1991, Goldman, Preiss, and Dove discovered that traditional systems of mass-production and optimization did not leave enough room for making fast and incremental changes to stay successful against competitors and disruptors.
The industry landscape is ever-changing and the value generation of innovation within it, is huge and volatile. Ask yourself—can you let go of how you think things are supposed to go? And, going one step further, learn to appreciate the result no matter the outcome? If you’re able to accept and even celebrate a wide variety of outcomes, you’re setting an important precedent—that anything is possible. We’ve all seen this firsthand over the past few years as businesses adjusted to the ups and downs of working through a pandemic.
The Role of Analytics in Successful Alignment
For over 60 years, the experts at Kepner-Tregoe have been helping companies implement processes and level-up employee skills to enable adaptability and agility. The acceleration of the work environment is making these traits more critical than ever for modern companies. Packaging is a vital global industry which is poised for continued growth through integrated and synchronized supply chains, and a focus on the environment enables market leaders to gain a competitive advantage. The industry faces new technological challenges, demographic changes, and resource concerns, and there is a growing emphasis on accelerating transformation in preparing for the way forward.
To successfully accomplish change in this one area, however, make sure to apply the necessary focus and collaboration identified above as two basic Agility Principles. By embracing a learning/growth mindset and seeking out opportunities and experiences that lead to continuous personal improvement – employees will perceive change as not only a normal part of the environment but something to be excited about. Having these skills lead to a growth mindset in seeking for continuous personal development, and progression in opportunities and experiences.
Enable a Mindset of Adaptability and Agility
The Stream team worked with Azzur who needed an expansion facility in southern California in line with their company image and attractive to their talent and client base. While their preference was for LaJolla/Sorrento Valley because of its biotech cluster, wet lab incubators and coworking spaces had driven up prices, and rents were drastically prohibitive. We are responsive to changing markets, using research and statistical analysis to help our clients understand the macro economic trends driving the opportunities and risks in their markets. The key for us is delivering the right tool for the right portfolio content so that your organizations can accomplish, solve, and deliver more in a better way with what you already have. It also involves maintaining the velocity and agility of executing all the right initiatives.
This is in contrast to the response of expanding market share that characterised the earlier paradigm . In today’s changed world of work, it’s critical for organizations to adopt a flexible approach in order to attract and retain top talent, build a healthy and productive What is Fullstack JavaScript work culture, and maintain high levels of employee engagement. We were all challenged to work remotely, collaborate remotely and predict future changes. Having a high AQ enabled Team Members to adapt to the changes while continuing to produce at high levels.
Perspectives on agility and adaptability in engineering teams
Besides adapting to new roles, and new skillsets, adopting rethinking processes promotes organizational agility that supports the dynamic changes and rapid response required for the ever competitive and demanding work environment. Instead of feeling frustrated, try appreciating the benefits of this change. Or maybe it’s an opportunity to expand your network within your new team.
Jonathan Rayback and Scott Lewis both offer insights into how creating a little flexibility in a team can go a long way when the going gets rough. requires a modern browser for an enhanced and secure user experience. Internet Explorer is no longer supported or recommended by Microsoft.
- It’s about enabling a more adaptive planning cycle to continually and collaboratively assess, prioritize, and roadmap — in essence, shape business without disrupting current initiatives.
- By meeting these fundamental needs, we prevent our fear brain from firing and enable higher-order thinking.
- Important theoretical and managerial implications are put forth as well.
- They benefit from commonality of vehicle parts, yet they must meet more niche demands.
- So, while highly coachable employees are significantly more agile and adaptable, they also reach considerably higher performance levels than employees lower in coachability, even in tumultuous work environments.
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Adaptability and agility: leadership by driving change
Implications of the results are discussed in detail along with theoretical contributions and future research directions. Therefore, knowing how to scale and optimize performance was one of the most crucial skill sets to have. With increasing frequency, companies must be able to scale at a breathtaking pace. Consequently, the ability to scale must be coupled with the ability to adapt and flexibly act to maneuver planned or unplanned change. Moreover, companies must consistently rethink what is possible while trying to predict future developments. Today’s business environment requires successful companies to constantly push the envelope and proactively innovate for emergent needs rather than the current status quo.
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Adapting to and managing change is one of several core leadership competencies we look for in Team Members. Adaptability is about accepting change, while agility is about managing and driving change. Agile Organizations must be focused and collaborative to be effective. The 11 Best Ecommerce Website Builder Picks in 2022 It is possible to start small by homing in and resolving issues that truly matter to the respective company and its current life-cycle phase. Also, by starting small, it is easier to simultaneously practice new forms of collaboration, organizing, and leading.
Further, it is not enough to be market oriented to achieve a high level of supply chain agility; rather, a supply chain orientation also needs to be developed. In order to increase the explanatory power of our model we account for the impact of environmental uncertainty . Important theoretical and managerial implications are put forth as well. Firm agility today is not a factor of competitiveness or success but a survival instrument on the market. Disruptive innovations and technological advancement, together with digitalization, change the role of firm agility. We show that the link between the national/industry level of digitalization and firm agility is statistically robust and essential.